Söll Under Princely Rule and Times of War

Welcome back to the second episode of our three-part historical series about Söll. After exploring the origins of this charming Tyrolean village in the first episode, we now focus on its history of Princely rule and times of war.

In 1342, the village fell under the control of the Tyrolean sovereign Margarete Maultasch, who likely used Söll as a hunting residence. In 1504, Söll officially became part of Tyrol, yet remained mostly spared from wars due to its remote location and poorly developed transport routes. Exceptions were the conflicts in the Tyrolean War of Independence in 1809 and towards the end of World War II when the place almost became the scene of a major battle.

In the third and final episode of our series, we will examine how Söll developed into a mecca of tourism. Stay tuned!

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