
 „Wenn wir erklimmen schwindelnde Höhen, steigen den Gipfelkranz zu, in unseren Herzen brennt eine Sehnsucht, die lässt uns nimmer mehr in Ruh!“

…as this strophe from an old folksong says: we tyroleans cant imagine anything more beautiful than our mountains.

Get inspired by the fascination “mountain” and experience breathtaking hiking trips on and around the Wilder Kaiser mountain. We are sure that once you get “infested” with the “hiking virus” you won’t be able to leave this idyllic scenery behind easily.

Easy Hiking – Sunnseitn Weg

Located at the foot of the “Großer & Kleiner Pölven”, the Sunnseitn trail excites with its marvellous panoramic view and its breathtaking scenery. Many local historic stations explain interesting facts about Söll and its people!

Length: 11,5 km
Level of difficulty: easy, 300 meters altitude
Duration: 40 minutes to 3 hours (depends on route)
Stations: 28